Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is It Works! a Scam?


When the average person hears about a Network Marketing Company or thing of MLM, they automatically jump to conclusions and say, "Oh, that's a scam" or "Pyramid Schemes are illegal."  I want to dispel any rumors that It Works! Global is a scam.

Network Marketing is a legitimate business opportunity that is open to anyone.  Like any other business opportunity, there is an investment.  This is the first thing that people jump on when they hear that you have to buy something to get started.  If you were starting your own business, you would most certainly have to take out loans or have investors lined up.

With It Works! there is a $99 buy in for a kit that you will use to start your business.

Secondly, once there is mention of building a team or getting others to join the company, people assume that you are convincing people to sign on to sucker them into something.

It Works! is a Christian, debt free company that offers quality, all natural health and beauty products at affordable prices.  The products are fantastic and the business opportunity literally changes lives.  People are leaving their J.O.Bs working for other people to work for themselves and attain FREEDOM!  There is not one negative thing that I can say about this company!  Offering the opportunity to make a positive change in your life is a GOOD THING.  No pressure, no hard feelings, no scamming or suckering.

I took the leap of faith and joined because I love the products and saw the earning potential.  I can stand behind these products because I BELIEVE in them.  They have worked for me and I have seen them work for others. Why wouldn't I want to share something that has had such a positive affect on my life?  It would selfish not to!

If this company has come into your life, don't ignore it!  Take the time to learn about the opportunity.  Ask questions, try the products, talk to a distributor and get their story.  There is always a story :)

If you are interested in getting more information about this opportunity or the products, please contact me!  I am happy to help in any way I can :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Butternut Squash and Quinoa Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing

Over the weekend I had this delicious salad at a family gathering and I cannot wait to recreate it!  I thought maybe you would like to try it too :)

photo adapted from image by Jennifer of Peanut Butter and Peppers

This recipe is from another blog, Peanut butter and Peppers

  • Salad:
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup arugula
  • 1/4 cup quinoa, cooked
  • 1/2 cup butternut squash, cooked
  • 1 tbsp. raisins
  • 1 tbsp. cranberries, dried
  • 1/2 oz goat cheese, crumbled
  • Dressing:
  • 1/4 cup canola oil
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp. sugar

In my attempt to keep things strictly Plant Based, I would leave out the cheese ad maybe switch out the honey for agave.  

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Monday, December 30, 2013

What is Wrong with Parabens?

You might here people ask if something is paraben free or see the label on your favorite skin care product.

What's the deal with parabens?  

Parabens, Alkyl Hydroxy Benzoate, are preservatives used in personal care products.  It is proposed that over 13,000 products contain them.  The problem with these preservatives is that they seem to have estrogen-like qualities. 

According to the American Cancer Society, Estrogen is a female hormone that is known to cause breast cells (normal and cancerous) to grow and divide.  Some conditions, such as menopause, obesity and having children, can expose the body to estrogen and it has been linked to breast cancer. 

It is easy to connect the dots.  If one type of exposure to estrogen can increase risks of breast cancer, that another, like paraben, could do the same. 

In 2003, a study performed by Dr. Philippa Darbre of the University of Reading, linked parabens to breast cancer by finding trace amounts of the preservatives in the tumors of 18 in 20 women.  This was a small study with no control group included, but the possibility that preservatives that people come in contact with everyday could increase the risk of cancer has been established. 

There are other studies that have stated that there are parabens in the urine of 99% of adults in the U.S.  It is also becoming apparent that exposure to estrogen and estrogen imitators is dangerous for men as well as women.  The reproductive health and development of males can be disrupted by too much exposure to estrogen. 

There is no definitive answer to weather parabens cause cancer.  However, the link has been established and there is definitely a possibility that there is a connection between exposure and an increase in the incidence of cancer. 

We come into contact with small amounts in things like lotions, deodorants and cosmetics.  It may not seem overwhelming but think about how often those products are applied over a lifetime and where those preservatives are going. 

If there is a question as to what is best for your health and the health of your family, is paraben use in your personal care products acceptable to you?

Check you personal care products for these ingredients:
  • Methylparaben
  • Ethylparaben
  • Propylparaben
  • Butylparaben
  • Benzyl-parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzoate)
  • Methyl-parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzate)
  • Ethyl-parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzoate)
  • Propyl-parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzoate)
  • Butyl-parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzoate)
  • Parahydroxybenzoate (p-hydroxybenzoate)


American Cancer Society. “Antiperspirants and  Breast Cancer Risk” (accessed November 24, 2010)

DermNet NZ.” Allergy to Parabens” (accessed December 3, 2010)

Journal of Applied Toxicology. “Parben Esters: Reviews of Recent Studies of Endocrine Toxicity, Absorption,                Esterase and Human Exposure, and Discussion of Potential Human Health Risks” (accessed November 24,          2010) ” Parabens and Cancer” (accessed November 27, 2010)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How to Wrap with an It Works! Wrap (Ultimate Body Applicator)

I want you to get the Absolute BEST results when using the wraps!  Please follow these directions :)

How to Wrap with an It Works! Wrap (Ultimate Body Applicator)

  1. Take your before pictures! Take a picture of the area you are going to wrap (no matter how embarrassed you feel doing it).  When you take your picture after you take your wrap off, make sure you’re in the same position and same distance (on all your progress pictures).  You can easily
  2. We recommend taking a shower right before you wrap.  It opens the pores and allows the wrap to penetrate deeper.  Do not put any lotion on prior to wrapping as that will block the absorption of the wrap’s ingredients.
  3. I personally wipe the area I’m going to wrap Witch Hazel - Rubbing alcohol will work also.   This assures anything  on my skin is removed and my pores are open to soak in all the goodness from the wrap!
  4. Make sure you have read the instructions on your wrap package.   
  5. Apply the wrap to the area you are wrapping with the lotion side down. Smooth the wrap to get out as many bubbles & creases as possible. There may be lotion on the top when you smooth it out. Rub it around the area you’re wrapping or somewhere else on your body!
  6. To keep the wrap in place, wrap the area with plastic wrap, ace bandage, compression clothing or shape-wear. The plastic wrap does nothing to improve your results. It’s just to keep the wrap in place.
  7. Leave the wrap on for a MINUMUM of 45 minutes. On your first wrap it’s advised that you only leave it on 45 minutes to make sure you have no adverse reaction.  Check under the wrap, if you’re skin looks ok, you can put it back on and leave it on for a couple more hours.   When you use your 2nd wrap, you can wear it up to 8 hours.  Some people sleep in it. Do not leave the wrap on more than 8 hours. You can go shopping, clean house, chill out or whatever while wearing the wrap. DO NOT exercise while wearing the wrap. You want the lotion to absorb into your skin, not sweat out.
  8. During your 45 minutes, drink a minimum of 2 cups of water or 16+ oz.  If you wear the wrap longer, drink more water!
  9. When you take your wrap off, there will be lotion on your skin and on the wrap. RUB THE LOTION INTO YOUR SKIN. An added tip: MASSAGE! Especially for areas with cellulite!  Give yourself a little massage on the area you’re targeting. Rub the leftover lotion from the wrap on your skin! This lotion is like GOLD! Do Not waste it! On some people the lotion turns white when you rub it. That’s fine…just keep rubbing until it’s soaked into your skin.   Everyone absorbs the lotion differently, some people may remove the wrap and it’s mostly dry.  That’s good…you’re pores have soaked it up.
  10. After you take the wrap off and rub in the cream, take your pictures & compare them.  I use a free photo collage app on my phone to compare before and after pics :)
  11. For the next 72 hours (3 days) drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water!!  This is imperative for the wraps to work.  If you weigh 200 lbs drink 100 oz of water. That’s 6 or so bottles (depending on the oz in each bottle).
  12. For the 72 hour duration try to avoid alcohol and nicotine and limit caffeine.  You are trying to eliminate toxins, so if you add them in the wrap will be less effective.
  13. Do not exercise while wearing the wrap.  Do not exercise for at least 8 hours after your wrap. You want to make sure the lotion is completely absorbed into your skin. Do not shower immediately after you wrap.  Give yourself several hours before you take a shower.
  14. Do Not wrap again for 72 hours! The botanical-blend in one wrap continues to work over the course of 72 hours (3 days). Your results will progress over this time.
  15. Take your pictures again after 72 hours!!!!  

If you have any questions or would like help wrapping, please contact me:)


Looking to purchase products? Click the shop link at the top of the page or go here-

Friday, December 20, 2013

My Journey to a Healthier Future with It Works!

My name is Jen and I am a wife and mother of 3 living in the Greater Philadelphia Area.  Like you, I had seen  people posting about It Works! on Facebook and was intrigued, but I hemmed and hawed about trying a wrap.  How do the wraps work?  Do I want to spend the money?  What are the ingredients?  What are the long term effects?  Why isn't this all over the News?  I asked all the same questions. 

Then a good friend of mine became a distributor and it gave me the push I needed to finally act.  She had such passion for the products and great results from the wraps!  I trusted her word that these products were GOOD.  She answered all my questions and put me at ease.

I tried a full treatment (4 wraps + Defining Gel) over two weeks and I was blown away by the results.  I also tried the Greens and I felt amazing!  

It wasn't long before I was asking about becoming a distributor.  I was constantly talking to friends about my experiences with the products and the company and I thought "I'm always praising this company and products, why aren't I selling them, too?"

So here I am.  I work a full time job that I would love to replace so that I can be home with my children.  I can put my word behind these products because I don't have to "sell" or "push" anything.  The wraps, supplements and skin care are botanically based, are all natural and THEY WORK.  All I have to do is share this company with people and they are automatically drawn to it.  

It Works! has given me confidence that I WILL change careers and have the time with my family that I desire.  I am on my way.  Why don't you join me?